
How Red Finch Rental is Handling COVID-19

Posted by Ross Wilcox on

We at Red Finch Rental realize this is a difficult time for our industry, so we want you to know that we are taking every precaution to help keep you working. We are wiping down all of our cases and gear with disinfectant, and we are doing the same to our stores three times a day (commonly touched areas like door handles, surfaces, etc.). Fortunately, we don't get a lot of foot traffic in our storefronts, so we are a very safe location, but again we are approaching the situation with an abundance of caution. Due to recent developments regarding the...

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Red Finch Improvements

Posted by Mark Hedengren on

Red Finch Improvements

Anamorphic Lenses, Rainbow Quasars, Teradek 500 I want to thank everyone who gave feedback in the survey. Red Finch has grown so quickly that it’s been a race to keep our systems up to date. In the Salt Lake Store in particular, I was completely taken off guard by the demand. I was working from 4 am to 9 pm every day for a month just to respond to that demand. Your survey responses were helpful because I’m always looking for ways to improve Red Finch. If you ever have any feedback for us,  just let me know. Based on your...

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Why Red Finch Rental has the Best-Maintained Cameras and Why There is so Much Bling in Hollywood

Posted by Mark Hedengren on

Why Red Finch Rental has the Best-Maintained Cameras and Why There is so Much Bling in Hollywood

Why Red Finch Rental has the Best-Maintained Cameras •    We use our gear for stock- Because Red Finch employees actively shoot stock footage with our equipment, we are continually maintaining and are familiar with our equipment.•    Red Finch Rental owned one of the first 100 RED Cameras in the world. No one has more experience with digital cinema cameras in the state.•    As the only RED Authorized Rental House in the Mountain Time Zone, we have access to parts, repairs, and support that no else has. •    Our staff works full-time, so we have more staff hours to check and fix equipment•    Our expert camera prep technicians...

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Red Finch Subscription Program and Why Cash Flow is King

Posted by Mark Hedengren on

Red Finch Subscription Program and Why Cash Flow is King

You can now subscribe to Red Finch Rental gear!  This is the way it works: if you sign up for twelve months for paying $30 a month you get $35 a month in credit.  If you sign up for $100 a month then you get $115 a month in credit.  If you sign up for $1000 a month then you get $1150 a month in credit and 15% off all orders after that credit runs out.  And so on… Academy rewards points will still be earned.  And what’s more, the credit doesn’t expire. That means you can build up credit for a few months and...

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Is YouTube Becoming the “How To” Network?

Posted by Mark Hedengren on

Is YouTube Becoming the “How To” Network?

Is YouTube becoming the “how to” network?A lot is changing with streaming media platform YouTube. In 2008, YouTube was everything, but now, with the rise of platforms like Twitch (Gamers), Hulu (network/Cable TV), Facebook, and others its audience base is becoming less broad. YouTube has become the "How To" network, like how to change a headlight bulb in a 1998 Corolla. It was fun while it lasted, but with major media companies now considering streaming content their main outlet we are going to need to up our game to have our content and ads noticed. An excellent place to start...

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